Friday, December 31, 2010

three cheers for 2010.

Dear Reader,
I've finally jumped on the far-traveling bandwagon and created a blog. My first point of discussion is why on earth they call it a "blog". It makes me think of a gross swampy area infested with buzzing mosquitoes and stenchy scum. And yet here I am. I've now labeled myself a blogger. So consider this my first post as a newly converted swampman. I can think of no better way to start off than by doing a year in review:
In 2010...
Bieber Fever swept our nation. I started college at Utah State University. The World Cup took place in South Africa. Scott Pilgrim rocked my world. The World Health Organization declared the H1N1 influenza pandemic over. My chubby nephew Greyson blessed us with his presence. WikiLeaks released a collection of more than 250,000 American diplomatic cables. The Carpenters got me through many rainy days and Mondays. The Saints slaughtered the Colts in Super Bowl XLIV. I had a mocktail party celebrating Lil' Wayne's release from prison. Haiti experienced a tragic 7.0 earthquake. I started my amazing job as an after-school program teacher at an elementary school. LeBron James celebrated his 26th birthday. A brilliant mind created pretzel m&m's. I became a True Aggie. Michael Jackson died...oh wait that was last year, we just continued to hear about it.
So here's to you Mrs. Robinson and 2010.